
NAFTA Bitten by the deal that once fed us.


Gordon Laxer, director of the Parkland Institute at the University of  Alberta,  co-author with John Dillon of the report "Over a Barrel:  Exiting from NAFTA's proportionality clause" and a professor of
political economy  argues:
"None of those assumptions [made when the FTA and NAFTA were  negotiated 15 and 20 years ago]  now hold. Elsewhere, governments are making plans to drastically cut greenhouse gases, meet the challenge of very expensive gasoline and natural gas, and are preparing for the sudden shut off of fossil fuels. But, not Canada. The business as usual crowd, led by Stephen Harper's government and the oil transnationals, seems to expect our carbon-burning society to carry on as before.But we can't. ...  Canada can no longer afford to export its remaining supplies of deliverable oil."

NAFTA Bitten by the deal that once fed us. Gordon Laxer

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