
Word of the Day- Ringxiety

. Ringxiety is described as the sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when in fact the telephone is not doing so. Other terms for this concept include phantom ring effect and fauxcellarm. (via @boyoperatedcoin)

Wed, 05 Aug 2009 10:00:00 GMT

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1 comment:

  1. You know I have been looing for the right word for this... I do have these from time to time. I remember this one time I was laying in my bed at night and I though I could hear my ringtone going off downstairs, this was weird because it was almost 1 in the morning, I went downstairs, checked my phone, I had no missed calls, I turned my phone off and it stopped... kinda freaky.
