
Canada’s Long Embrace of the Honduran Dictatorship

Why do we not  a hear fuss about this. Are the Liberals afraid to offend the business interests . The economy (oh holy economy- the only god worth mentioning anymore) over human rights . And nothing subtle about it. As the Conservatives like it, it's as clear as black or white. And as blatant. The whole E.U. and O.A.S. don't recognize the Honduras regime. But, hello! U.S. and little Canada. We think it's just ducky. Embarrassment upon embarrassment. The evil of which they speak!

Peter Kent recently returned from a three day trip (February 17-20) to Honduras, proudly declaring the mission a success. As Canada's Minister of State for the Americas, Kent is the Tory government's point person for Canada's growing political and economic
interests  in the region. Honduras has become an important focus of those interests, since the military coup last June against the moderately left-leaning president, Manuel Zelaya, swung the country sharply back to the right.

Canada’s Long Embrace of the Honduran Dictatorship
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